
I make my life at the intersection of social justice, creativity, and technology. I have been designing and building for the web since 1996, primarily for non-profit organizations in San Francisco. I led Mother Jones through a site redesign at a time when the magazine’s website was considered a side project. I learned video editing through my online community of fearless fangirls when Usenet and iMovie were cutting-edge technology. I was a geek before it was cool.

My principles:

  • Great design should always be available to nonprofit organizations, regardless of their budgets.
  • The most successful projects and products will always be those that are developed in collaboration with users.
  • Research first. And during. And afterward.
  • Make data-driven decisions, but don’t lose your soul.
  • Clarity and sincerity should not be sacrificed at the altar of innovation.
  • Engage the audience’s emotions, but never insult their intelligence.

I believe in designing a better world.